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On March 12, 2019, our company organized the afforestation activity

On March 12, 2019, our company organized the afforestation activity. The best planting season in our city is in April.We hope in the "May Day" before the civilization Renqiu to add a new green.

Three kinds, seven kinds.The planting of young trees is only the beginning of greening the hills.Here, I also recruit caring tree keepers from the whole society.We look forward to more people who are in good health, have transportation tools, and have the energy to form the caring tree management and care team. We will water the caring tree regularly every month, so that every piece of caring tree can grow strong and strong

China's Arbor Day falls on March 12 each year. It is a legislated holiday in China to stimulate people's enthusiasm for forests and afforestation, promote land greening and protect the ecological environment on which human beings depend.In 1915, China defined Qingming Day as Arbor Day, which was originally set up by forestry scientist Ling Daoyang and others. In 1928, Arbor Day was changed to March 12, the day of Sun Yat-sen's death, to commemorate the revolutionary pioneer's desire to plant trees.This setting has been used by the Chinese mainland and Taiwan to this day.